Gratitude Corner


Blobscan was honored to be one of the top finalists at the ETHBogota hackathon in 2022. Since then, numerous organizations and projects have generously supported and funded our vision.

We deeply appreciate and extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of them:

  • Ethereum Foundation: We were one of the winners of the 2022 Layer 2 Community Grants Program receiving a grant of $100,000 USD.
  • Ethereum Swarm: We started a collaboration with Ethereum Swarm in 2023 to integrate their decentralized storage solution into Blobscan as a blob storage provider. We received 17k BZZ.
  • Optimism:
    • We were one of the recipients of the 2023 RetroPGF 2 (Retroactive Public Goods Funding Round 2) receiving a total of 40K OP tokens.
    • We were one of the recipients of the 2023 RetroPGF 3 (Retroactive Public Goods Funding Round 3) receiving a total of 100K OP tokens.
  • Scroll: We received a total of 20K USDC from Scroll in 2023 to support our work.
Supported storages